- First, use LVM; it makes resizing filesystems nearly trivial, robust, without any real downsides. Just another way that Ubuntu is not enterprise-worthy. But, we don’t have LVM on these systems’s as they are….
- Second, before doing any operations on your partitions, always perform and test a backup (to a separate system!) of your data. You may make your system unbootable and/or nuke all of your data!
- The system I performed these steps on was partitioned thus:
- /dev/sda – 7GB – /
- /dev/sda2 – remainder – Extended partition
- /dev/sda5 – swap – partition within the extended partition.
- So, to grow “/”, we will become root, delete the swap partition and the extended partition, grow /, and then re-create the swap partition. Adjust the steps below according to the partition numbers and layout of your particular system:
- Disable swap:
- swapoff /dev/sda5
- Delete and re-create partitions as appropriate.
- fdisk /dev/sda
- print out partition information (p)
- Delete partition 5 (d – 5)
- Delete partition 2 (d – 2)
- Delete partition 1 (d)
- Create partition 1 (n – p – 1)
- It must start on the exact same sector as before (as seen in the print command)
- It must end on a sector higher than it did before. Num_GB*1024*1024*2 = ending sector
- Create partition 2 (n – p – 2)
- Change partition 2 to type “Linux Swap” (t – 2 – 82 )
- Activate partition 1 to make it bootable (a - 1)
- Double-check everything.
- Exit (w)
- recreate the swap partition, using a label:
- mkswap -L swap /dev/sda2
- add a label to the root filesystem
- e2label /dev/sda1 / (in centos, it’s e4label)
- Fix up /etc/fstab
- Fix the “swap” line to use LABEL=swap instead of UUID=
- Fix the “/” line to use LABEL=/ instead of UUID=
- swapon /dev/sda2
- Fix up /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- Either: Find the “linux” line for the menu option you will boot, change UUID= to LABEL=/
- Or: update-grub
- Re-create the initrd
- update-initramfs -u -k 3.2.0-38-generic
- Reboot the VM. *Cross your fingers!* This is your moment of truth.
- Grow the root filesystem
- resize2fs /dev/sda1 (resize4fs on CentOS, I believe).
- If it didn't boot, then that's what you get for biting off more than you could chew, and for choosing a distro that doesn't leverage LVM. Boot off your Ubuntu/Mint install disk, and copy off your data to a USB disk, and start over. (...but you DID back up your data anyway, right?)
Grow root partition and filesystem in Ubuntu and Linux Mint
Here are the steps to grow the root filesystem on an existing system that does NOT use LVM:
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