Whether one is referring to...
authentication - the validation of credentials (i.e., "Yes, you are who you claim to be")
authorization - the validation of whether access should be granted based on that identity (based on role, group membership, policy, ACL, etc.) (i.e., "Yes, that user is allowed to access that resource")
...the word "authentiFIcation" never comes into play... nor authentify, authentificated, etc.
Identification / identify is a valid word, mind you.
Just saying...
List and delete zomble NetApp snapshots left from backups
Backup software, such as CommVault Simpana, may sometimes leave zombie snapshots -- they're not in use, but will never be cleaned up. ...the actual space consumed by these snaps increases over time as the delta between that data and the current live copy increases.
In your backup software, you probably have the option to set the snapshot name prefix, which makes it easy enough to distinguish these stale snaps from your regularly scheduled ones. However, if you have many volumes, it can be tedious to go through and clean those up.
Here's a script that will let you crawl your (Ontap v8) NetApp to list bogus snapshots and optionally delete them:
In your backup software, you probably have the option to set the snapshot name prefix, which makes it easy enough to distinguish these stale snaps from your regularly scheduled ones. However, if you have many volumes, it can be tedious to go through and clean those up.
Here's a script that will let you crawl your (Ontap v8) NetApp to list bogus snapshots and optionally delete them:
# snap_cleanup
# Written by Lane Bryson on 2014/01. Provided AS IS, no warranties
# expressed or implied: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
# This script is to look for snaps that are left over from backups, that
# are no longer in use, and delete them.
# This script requires two parameters:
# snap_cleanup
(list or delete all stale snaps on the specified servers)
SnapshotString="snapshot_for_backup" # This is the prefix for backup-related snaps
# This function receives a volume name as a parameter, and returns
# the number of snaps that are elligible for deletion, defined by being:
# 1. Having a certain string in the snapshot name;
# 2. Not marked as "busy"
function CountStaleSnaps ()
local VolToCheck=$1
local StaleSnaps=`$SshCmd "snap list $VolToCheck" | grep $SnapshotString | grep -v "busy" | wc -l`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "getting count of elligible snapshots returned an error"
exit 1
} else
echo $StaleSnaps
} fi
# Function GetStaleSnapNames
# This function creates, given a volume name, an array of snapshots that are
# candidates for deletion.
# Parameters
# 1. volume to check
function GetStaleSnapNames ()
local Volume=$1
StaleSnapNames=( $($SshCmd "snap list $Volume" | grep $SnapshotString| grep -v busy | cut -c 39- | cut -f 1 -d " ") )
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "getting names of elligible snapshots returned an error"
exit 1
} else
printf -- '%s\n' "${StaleSnapNames[@]}"
} fi
# Function DelStaleSnaps
# This function deletes stale snaps for the Volume name passed to it.
# Parameters
# 1. volume
# 2. snapshot_name
function DelStaleSnaps ()
local Volume=$1
local SnapToDelete=$2
$SshCmd "snap delete $Volume $SnapToDelete"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error deleting snapshot $Volume:$SnapToDelete"
exit 1
} else
echo "successfully deleted snapshot $Volume:$SnapToDelete"
} fi
#for Volume in `$SshCmd "vol status -b" | cut -f 1 -d " " | egrep -v "Volume|-----"`; do SNAPS=`$SshCmd "snap list $Volume" | grep $SnapshotString | grep -v busy| wc -l`; echo $target: $SNAPS; done
# Parse command line parameters
if [ $# -ne 2 ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ] || [ "$1" = "help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
echo "This script requires exactly two parameters:"
echo " 1. a function - list, delete, or help"
echo " 2. a NetApp host name"
exit 1
}; fi
case $2 in
echo "ERROR: you must specify as a second parameter a host name on which you want to delete snapshots."
case $1 in
echo "ERROR: invalid operation specified on command line. Please specify either 'list' or 'delete' followed by the servername on which you want to delete the snapshots."
exit 1
SshCmd="/usr/bin/ssh -i $SshIdentityFile $NasUser@$NasName"
VolumesToCheck=( `$SshCmd "vol status -b" | cut -f 1 -d " " | egrep -v "Volume|-----"` )
for CurrentVol in ${VolumesToCheck[@]}; do
echo -n "checking $NasName:$CurrentVol... "
StaleSnaps=`CountStaleSnaps $CurrentVol`
echo $StaleSnaps
if [ $Operation = list ]; then
if [ $StaleSnaps -ne 0 ]; then
GetStaleSnapNames $CurrentVol | awk '{ print " " $1 }'
elif [ $Operation = delete ]; then
GetStaleSnapNames $CurrentVol
ArrayOfSnaps=( $(GetStaleSnapNames $CurrentVol) )
#echo ArrayOfSnaps is ${ArrayOfSnaps[@]}
#echo "ArrayOfSnaps[0] is ${ArrayOfSnaps[0]}"
#echo "ArrayOfSnaps[1] is ${ArrayOfSnaps[1]}"
#echo "ArrayOfSnaps[2] is ${ArrayOfSnaps[2]}"
for TargetSnap in `printf -- '%s\n' "${ArrayOfSnaps[@]}"`; do
DelStaleSnaps $CurrentVol $TargetSnap
}; done
SNMP hints
First, install any vendor custom mib: On RHEL, CentOS, and related, copy the vendor MIB file to /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ , with a .txt extension; rename the file to be the same as the MIB name, e.g., NETAPP-MIB.txt
(in the examples below, supersecret is the community string, and myhostname is the hostname / ip addr of the target.
To get a specific value, based on textual MIB name:
snmpget -v 2c -c supersecret myhostname NETAPP-MIB::dfFileSys.1
To walk, with textual/name (not numeric) descriptions/OIDs:
snmpwalk -v 2c -c supersecret -m +ALL myhostname 1
...the one at the end means "give me everything". THe "-m +ALL" means "use all MIBs".
(in the examples below, supersecret is the community string, and myhostname is the hostname / ip addr of the target.
To get a specific value, based on textual MIB name:
snmpget -v 2c -c supersecret myhostname NETAPP-MIB::dfFileSys.1
To walk, with textual/name (not numeric) descriptions/OIDs:
snmpwalk -v 2c -c supersecret -m +ALL myhostname 1
...the one at the end means "give me everything". THe "-m +ALL" means "use all MIBs".
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